I have been using Gaskacinch (no love) and Right Stuff (even less love as it's 5x as expensive and still didn't work). the idea to use a c-clamp or drilling a new hole for an additional nut/bolt to cinch the stiffening plate down to the pan rail on the passenger side, I was considering this, but seeing the amount of leakage I think I'm going to have to drop the pan again and try some sealant around the front lip. (Note: I don't have any VC leaks, but the driver's side VC doesn't have any breather or venting.just the twist-on cap. The passenger side PCV checks out A-OK (it's new) and I also have a breather on the passenger side VC. Additionally, I had a metal shop straighten the pan rails and am using slightly oversized washers to create a better contact. Having Gunked the oil off several times and watched the leak grow I am sure it isn't coming from the VCs or the upper timing cover seal where it meets the block.

not chrome) and there is no windage tray. I was thinking about pulling the oil pan again and trying to bend the lower timing cover down on the passenger side to see if that provides a more solid mating surface with the oil pan gasket, but I thought it would be a good idea to check in with Wiser Minds around here and share the photos before making the leak even worse!! Because there isn't a bolt to cinch that reinforced portion of the timing cover straight down to the oil pan, you can see in the photos that the gasket is not compressed there as it is along the front and sides.

Having failed to stop the leak via the oil pan gasket, and studied its growth/path several times, I'm now wondering if the problem is the upward deformation of the "stiffening plate" at the bottom of the timing cover on the passenger side, which is where the oil seems to be emerging. I had a metal shop flatten the flanges twice, and am currently running a Felpro #1834 dry (i.e. I have tried them dry and with Right Stuff around the front to no avail. I have tried and failed to stop the leak by redoing the oil pan gasket (5 times now! ) going from the Milodon to Mopar and now and Felpro #1834 oil pan gaskets. As you can see in the photos below, my 440-3 has a persistent oil leak in the vicinity of the passenger side oil pan/timing cover joint.